Answers to I.Q. test

1.  SNAKE       All the others have legs; the others are mammals.


3.  D           The triangles and squares change place, and the vertical figure becomes horizontal.

4.  APPLE       The others are vegetables.

5.  B           Since this is a reverse comparison, the solid line triangle is the reverse of the broken line square.

6.  16          John's brother is 4. In 4 years the brother will
                be 8, and John will be 16 or twice as old.

7.  NEPHEW      Brother and sister, and niece and nephew are all opposites.

8.  E           All the others are made with only 3 lines; E is made with 4 lines.

9.  ENVELOPE    Milk goes into a glass, just as a letter goes into an envelope.

10. E           The large circle has a smaller figure of itself inside; the others have different figures inside.

11. C           EVIL is the reverse spelling of LIVE; the reverse of 5232 is 2325.

12. FALSE       Example: "If some cats are animals and some animals are dogs, then some cats are definitely dogs." We cannot make this assumption definitely.

13. D           It is the only one made with circles.

14. HOUSE       A tree comes up out of the ground, just as a chimney comes up out of a house.

15. THREE       The order is "minus 2, plus 1, minus 2, plus l," etc. Three violates this order.

16. SMILE       The others are senses; smile is a facial expression.

17. B           The first two designs point in the same direction, just as the triangle and figure B point in the same direction.

18. D           Without more information it is impossible to tell. We only know that both Peter and Bill are shorter than Jack.

19. PURSE       The others are all articles of clothing that are worn.

20. D           Substitute numbers for letters; C = 3 and A =1 .

21. CITY        "RAPIS" = PARIS.

22. B           It is not made with straight lines.

23. CANNON      A bullet is fired from a gun, and a ball is fired from a cannon. The others do not involve an ex        plosive force.

24. FALSE       Example: " If some cars are green and all leaves are green, then some cars are definitely leaves." We cannot make this assumption definitely.

25. B           The numbers indicate the position of the letters in the alphabet. E is the 5th letter in the alphabet, not the 6th.

26. I           The order is "A, skip 2 letters, D, skip 2 letters, G," etc. I violates this order.

27. D           The geometric figures are reversed, and the position of the crosses and arrows either inside or outside the figures is reversed.

28. 25%         Example: A $1.00 item reduced 20% will sell for 80cent. To sell it at $1 .00 again, you must increase the price 20%. 20cent is 25% of                   80cent.

29. BRASS       The others are simple metals; brass is an alloy (a combination of two metals).

30. E           3 figures change into 3 different figures, and 5 figures change into 5 different figures.

31. FUNNEL      The others hold liquids; liquids pass through a funnel.

32. 23          23-1 = 22. 1/2 of 22 ='l 1. 1 1 -1 = 10. 1/2 of 10 = 5, the number of cookies Mary had left.

33. HAY         The others are grains; hay is a grass.

34. EIGHT       The order is "plus 1, times 2, plus 1, times 2," etc. Eight violates this order.

35. B           The designs are reversed, and one side is removed from the smaller figure.

36. ROCKET      Elros = Danger, Aldarion = Explosion, therefore Elendil must mean Rocket.

37. B           All other objects begin with the letter "S"; knife begins with the letter "K"

38. LACE        You buckle a belt, just as you lace your shoes.

39. D           It is divided into 4 parts; the others are divided into 3 parts.

40. DIMES       3 dimes, 2 nickles, and 1 penny is the only possible solution.

41. D           The other figures are divided into the same number of triangles as the number of sides the figure has.


43. E           A hand goes into a mitten, just as a foot goes into a shoe.

44. TRUE        Example: "If all dogs are animals and no animals are plants, then no plants are definitely dogs." We can definitely make this assumption.

45. KANGAROO    The others walk on 4 legs.

46. D           The letters in the other squares all move in order in a clockwise direction. 

47. TWIG        Finger is an appendage of the hand, just as a leaf is an appendage of a twig.

48. 5           9 divided by 2 = 41/2, but it takes 5 trips even though John will only get one can on one of the trips.

49. E           It does not have a twin.

50. ELBOW       Foot is attached to leg and knee is a joint in the leg. Hand is attached to arm and elbow is a joint in the arm.

51. D           It has 2 black stripes; the other have 1.

52. 25          There are 12 students lower and 12 students higher, plus Mary is 25.

53. CHEESE      Water changes into ice, and milk changes into cheese.

54. 48          The order is "times 2, plus 3, times 2, plus 3," etc. 48 violates the order.

55. SALMON      The others are meats; salmon is a fish.

56. TRUE        Example: "if all dogs are mammals and all mammals are animals, then all dogs are definitely animals." We can definitely make this                       assumption.

57. E           Circles change into squares, and the shading is reversed.

58. ACRE        Acre measures area; the others measure distance.

59. C           The 4 sided square is divided into 4 squares, just as the 3 sided triangle is divided into 3 triangles.

60. 72"         The head is 9". the Tail is 18" + 9" = 27". The body is 9" + 18" + 9" = 36". 91, + 27" + 36" = 72" -This maybe solved algebraically as well.


From the answer sheet on page 9 determine how many correct answers you had. Locate that number in the correct age column, then directly to the right in the last column (I.Q. column), you will locate your correct I.Q. rating.

For example, if you are 12 years old and had 32 answers correct, you locate 32 in the 12 year column and you will find that you have an I.Q. rating of 118.

Age     9       10      11      12      13      14      15      16 +   I.Q


        9       10      11      13      16      18      20      22      80

        10      11      12      14      17      19      21      23      82

        11      12      13      15      18      20      22      24      84

        12      13      14      16      19      21      23      25      86

        13      14      15      17      20      22      24      26      88

        14      15      16      18      21      23      25      27      90

        15      16      17      19      22      24      26      28      92

        16      17      18      20      23      25      27      29      94

        17      18      19      21      24      26      28      30      96

        18      19      20      22      25      27      29      31      98

        19      20      21      23      26      28      30      32      100

        20      21      22      24      27      29      1       33      102

        21      22      23      25      28      30      32      34      104

        22      23      24      26      29      31      33      35      106

        23      24      25      27      30      32      34      36      108

        24      25      26      28      31      33      35      37      110

        25      26      27      29      32      34      36      38      112

        26      27      28      30      33      35      37      39      114

        27      28      29      31      34      36      38      40      116

        28      29      30      32      35      37      39      41      118

        29      30      31      33      36      38      40      42      120

        30      31      32      34      37      39      41      43      122

        31      32      33      35      38      40      42      44      124

        32      33      34      36      39      41      43      45      126

        33      34      35      37      40      42      44      46      128

        34      35      36      38      41      43      45      47      130

        35      36      37      39      42      44      46      48      132

        36      37      38      40      43      45      47      49      134

        37      38      39      41      44      46      48      50      136

        38      39      40      42      45      47      49      51      138

        39      40      41      43      46      48      50      52      140

        40      41      42      44      47      49      51      53      142

        41      42      43      45      48      50      52      54      146

        42      43      44      46      49      51      53      55      150

        43      44      45      47      50      52      54      56      155

        44      45      46      48      51      53      55      57      160

        45 +    46+     47+     49 +    52 +    54 +    56 +    58+     160+


I.Q. or intelligence quotient is a general assessment of your ability to think and reason. Your I.Q. score is actually an indication of how you compare in this ability with the majority of people in your age group. A rating of 100, for example, means that, as compared to the majority of other people in your age group, you have a normal rate of intelligence: Most psychologists consider those failing in the range of 95-105 as having a normal or average I.Q. Since it is difficult to pinpoint with absolute accuracy, your actual I.Q. may vary 5 points either way from your test score. In addition, there are many factors that may effect your scoring. If you are tired, ill or distracted, your score will be affected. Finally, there are many abilities which are not measured by I.Q. testing. For example, I.Q. does not measure musical talent, manual dexterity, or a variety of other abilities. However, I.Q. testing does give you an important indication of your ability to think, reason and solve problems. This is critical to your success in life.